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Deadline Extended to Apply for Committee Vacancies

July 02, 2024

The D.C. Bar Board of Governors is seeking candidates for appointment in the fall to the following standing committees: Clients’ Security Fund, Communities, Continuing Legal Education, Governance, Innovations in Legal Practice, Leadership Development, and Pro Bono.

The deadline to apply for these vacancies has been extended to July 12.  Descriptions of D.C. Bar standing committees can be found here.

To apply for any of these openings, please submit a résumé and a cover letter stating the committee(s) on which you would like to serve and a description of relevant work or volunteer experience. Leadership experience with D.C. Bar committees, voluntary bar associations, or the Bar’s Communities is highly desirable.

Submit materials via email to Crystal White, Board and Committee Liaison, at [email protected].  

Committee appointments will be approved by the Board of Governors in September.  All applicants will be notified regarding the status of their applications shortly thereafter.

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